...."We are part of the universe, as flowers and leaves are parts of a tree. We are a brilliant and amazing presence, with the ability to see and know and think and wonder. But imagine now that the flowers have become so occupied with the business of thinking, of analyzing, of learning, that they’ve forgotten that they are one with the tree itself. Imagine that the flowers look down at the branches from which they grow and ask themselves, "How did this branch come to be? What is at the heart of the trunk? Where do the roots reach, and upon what do they feed?" Given the wondrous variety of flowers, there are of course many possible answers to these questions, and these differences of opinion result in a most powerful tension and hatred between the flowers. They take up arms against each other, cut each other to pieces, vowing revenge and destruction in endless cycles of violence. That is precisely where we are as a species—pointlessly arguing about origins and ways. Worse than arguing, we are killing, destroying, and butchering each other to prove one point or another. And all we need to do is to realize, in one breathless moment of enlightenment, that we are all one, inextricably united with each other, with the animals, the rocks, the sun, the very breath between the stars. To realize this truth is to cast away all bitter thoughts of divisiveness, of elitism, of selfishness, of condemnation. It is to see that love and compassion are the lifeblood that nurtures us, and that their cultivation is our reason for being."...
..."Is it so difficult to stand peacefully next to someone who thinks differently than you do? And if it is, might that difficulty have more to do with what’s going on in your head than what’s going on in your neighbor’s? There is an apt saying from the Native American culture that observes: "There is no tree so foolish that its branches fight among themselves." Yet that is precisely what we do, at great cost to ourselves and to our future. By ignoring the unifying truth of our existence, we generate physical and spiritual suffering in ever-increasing cycles of fear, anger and retribution. All of this violence is utterly pointless and inhumanly tragic"...
April 9, 2004 by Peter Patrick Barreda. Material copyright 2011, all rights reserved
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